
Mgr. Petra Švábová

In my classroom are six pupils of varying ages, all with unique combinations of handicaps and talent. Instruction is on an individual basis, sometimes also as a group.


My pupils’ four wishes, which I try to fulfill:

May my body give its utmost and may I feel good in it (practicing fine and gross motor skills, basal stimulation, massages…).

May I be able to look after myself as independently as possible (practicing self-care – eating, bathroom skills, dressing and undressing).

I want to communicate – and I don’t care how! (all manner of alternative communications)

Like me, let’s make fun together, I want to look forward to school!


Looking forward to adventures as we go in search of new possibilities and shared experiences: classroom teacher Petra, teaching assistant Oldřiška, and Integration Center teacher Alenka.


2023/2024 school year

2023/2024 school year

Humor is the salt of the earth. He who is well salted, remains fresh for a long time.

Karel Čapek


At this year’s garden party, we all got our own salt-box ��.

So let’s all sprinkle some salt on ourselves as we set out on our journey through the new school year.

This time with fairy tales. And the first will be (what else?) “The Salt Prince.”


We’re all looking forward to it!

Evička, Štěpán, Amálka, Aisha, Eminka, Kačka, and Petra, Oldřiška, Alenka



This year, we’re taking Aladdin’s carpet to the world of fairy tales.

Waving at us are the three pigs, Otesánek, Little Red Riding Hood, and our fairy-tale godmother Alenka.

Let’s open the book… Pssst…… story time is starting……


Štěpán, Amálka, Eminka, Evička, Aisha, Kačka

Petra, Oldřiška, and Alenka




Once upon a time, there was a forgotten garden. 

In it, there lived a Whale, a dwarf, five elephants, and an old, scheming cat.

One day, five boys passed by the garden. They slowly opened the rusted gate and went inside.

And so began their adventure.

And, in a way, ours as well….



Finding inspiration from Trnka’s garden this year are Štěpán, Amálka, Eminka, Evička, Aisha, and Kačka – and also Petra, Lucka, and Oldřiška.



We launched the new year in a tree in the garden.

In a tree?

Well, why not?

We don’t have to spend all our time standing on the ground. It’s great fun to look down from on high, because that way everything looks a lot more joyful. Problems are smaller, Covid farther away. And you can take a deep breath without a face mask!

So… breathe in… and hooray – time for school!

This year, we plan to pamper ourselves and water the following trees: 

Amálka, Štěpán, Evička, and Eminka.

And from the garden around the corner, Kačka and Adam.

We are looking forward to all of you,

Petra, Oldřiška, Bára, and Mirka




The summer holidays just flew by, and it’s time for school again.


Who are we looking forward to this year?


To you, and you, and... you, too! :-).

Came and visit us. 

You’ll see everything up close.

You can ask about anything you like. 

And try it all out.


We love spending time with you. 



Adam, Amálka, Štěpán, Emina, and Evička

and also Petra, Katka, and Oldřiška




There’s a lot of work ahead of us this year – this time, out in nature and the fresh air.

We’ll be visiting various gardens and potato fields, and we hope that we’ll find our way among the carrots, peas, and parsley, and that our year of gardening will weed out (sorry, work out) great and give us a bountiful harvest come June. 


Our motto:

You water what you sow.

And you get to reap it, too!


This year’s gardening apprentices are:

Štěpán, Amálka, Adam, Kačka, and Thea

....... Petr the gardening master is mowing the grass in other gardens


We’ve had a lot of experiences this year already. We went flying kits, cooked potatoes, went on field trips, planted trees, celebrate Carneval, made willow switches, roasted sausages...

Here are some picture of our class.

Mgr. Veronika Kočerhová

Our classroom ...

Mgr. Miroslava Tupá

Our classroom ...


We are beginning ...

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