
Mgr. Běla Bédi

Our rehabilitative class is attended by six pupils ranging in age from 8 to 15. We look after one girl with Rett Syndrome, pupils with rare illnesses, and pupils with multiple handicaps.

We try to respond to their individual needs and to stimulate all aspects of their development. We work in a team consisting of one classroom teacher, a music therapist, and two colleagues from the Zahrada Integration Center. We also get help from a teaching assistant.

Our work is further supplemented by experts in the fields of physical therapy, ergotherapy, music therapy, canine therapy and more.


2023/2024 school year

2023/2024 school year

This year will be a “thematic” one. Our daily program will be interspersed with theme days. In collaboration with Míša’s class, we are planning a school-wide program roughly once a month. We’ll start with our favorite elements before continuing with a trip around the world. Let’s see what the year has in store for us.


In any case, we’re all looking forward to it, because we know that our class is a great gang full of unique individuals. 


The adults:

Běla, Honza, Robert, and Bára, joined on some days this year by teaching assistant Markéta 


The pupils:

Alex, Honzík, Angelinka, Zuzanka M., Zuzka L., and our new addition Elizabethka



Our theme this year is THE ELEMENTS

As you can see from the photograph, we plan to work with WATER, AIR, EARTH, and FIRE. The most important element is in the middle – THE WHALE CLASS – that’s US:

Elements like LUKÁŠ, ALEX, HONZÍK, ANGELÍNA, ZUZANKA, and our new addition ZUZKA

And then there are the older elements HONZA, ROBERT, BÁRA, and BĚLA.

This year is sure to be a wild ride. 

We’ll be accompanying LUKÁŠ on his final year and we all look forward to enjoying it with him!



We’re starting the new school year with all our stars: Anička, Lukáš, Alex, Honzík, Angelinka, and Zuzanka. Simonka graduated last year. 


Completing her mandatory primary-school education this year will be Anička, and so we want her to experience the year through activities that she enjoys. We are sure to have fun, because Anička is loves good food and good moods!


For this year, we are planning special Friday programs. First we wanted to call them Black Fridays, but that seemed too negative and not descriptive enough. So now our schedule includes Golden Fridays – days full of interesting activities; project days. We plan to learn and try out new things. For instance, sometimes Robert will bring toy trains, Honza cut-outs, Dáša art activities, Bára musical instruments, or Běla a sewing machine. Or we’ll visit a sweet shop, go for walk, or just watch a movie. 


Basically, we plan to have fun. We’re all looking forward to it!

Christmas gift video 2021


This year, our established group – Alex, Angelinka, Anička, Honzík, Lukáš, Simonka – welcomed a new pupil, Zuzanka.
Our theme for the year is quite providential: “WISHES.”
We’ll have to wait and see whether they will be realistic wishes, secret or shared wishes, and whether they will be fulfilled by the end of the year.
In any case, we plan to focus on the things we wish to do this year, what we yearn for, what makes us happy, and what enriches us in some way.
We also plan to listen to each other’s wishes and try to fulfil them.
We believe that this approach will bring us many new experiences in the areas of food, arts, and crafts, and also new skills and knowledge.
Our combined wish for the start of the year is for us to enjoy it together. Let’s hope that the virus will allow the wish to come true.
Běla, Robert, Honza, and our occasional visitor, Alenka
P.S. Our teacher Mrs. Lenka’s wish was fulfilled in the winter when she gave birth to a girl! We send our greetings to her on her maternity leave!
P.P.S. In the summer, Honza’s family grew as well, adding a baby boy to his other little one. We’re curious how the other wishes turn out. :-)



The adults are all the same this year, but compared to last year there have been a lot of changes among the pupils. Matyášek left for another school, and we have been joined by Angelinka. In addition, Adam will be visiting us this year as well.


Our theme this year will be CRAFTS, so we can look forward to learning something new. The choice is almost unlimited!

The main thing is that we will be having fun together!


 Běla, Honza, Robert, Lenka, and our occasional visitor Alenka



We’ve had a lot of changes this year. Three adults have joined us – Honza, Lenka, and Oldřiška – but we had to bid farewell to Petra and Zdeněk (although they’re still nearby). All the kids are the same, and Běla and Robert are here, too.
Another novelty is the white kitchen. We’re settling in and getting used to one another, and I think things are going well.

Our theme this year is "The Gardener’s Year." We’re planning on planting, cultivating, harvesting, tasting, watering, and exploring the garden with all our sense.
We are really looking forward to it all!

The kitchen

The new kitchen is serving us well, and we are learning how to sort utensils :-)


Our head gardener Honza is teaching us how to plant, water, and grow plants... We even sprouted an oak from an acorn, and next year we’re going to plant it! PICTURES

Music therapy

Thanks to Lenka, the whole class is enjoying music therapy together. Everybody is into it, big and small. PICTURES

Campfire songs

We spent a day pretending to go camping, roasting sausages over an imaginary fire. We really did eat them from mess kits, and we sang campfire songs and hung a whale banner. PICTURES


We got all dressed up and walked around the school singing. In return, we all got homemade donuts. Thank you, Magda, for the dough! PICTURES

Flying kites PICTURES


Twice this year, we had a sleepover at school: once just before Christmas, when we made gingerbread, and then before Easter, when we wove Easter switches. We had a great time. PICTURES

Field trips

We went on several short trips: to see lambs and to Strančice. In June, we set out on a multi-day trip to Bělá pod Bezdězem. We were a small group, but we had big fun. PICTURES

Art class

Every Friday, Dáša visited us to enrich our lives with art. What great works of art we created! PICTURES

Guys’ work

As it so happens, sometimes you have to roll up your sleeves (or pant legs) and get to work. We painted the cabinet, drilled holes for a shelf, shopped and cut wood, and put together furniture for the terrace. PICTURES

In the blink of an eye PICTURES


In early September, we set out on a “Journey Around the World.” This is our theme for the whole year. We are sure that it will be a beautiful and shared learning adventure, but most of all that it ...


This year, there are no new additions to our class, but some people have left us. Our old teacher, Ondřej, has gone to lead another class, and Thea has moved up to the older kids’ group.

Mgr. Ondřej Novák

Our rehabilitative class is attended by 7 pupils ranging in age from 7 to 14. We look after several girls with Rett Syndrome, pupils with rare illness, and pupils with multiple handicaps, trying to ...

A trip by train

The climax of this month’s “Train” theme was a trip by train.

We got on in Uhříněves and rode to Stránčice. Then we walked to the Chapel of ...

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